Another Day, Another Adventure

November 11, 2008 at 1:52 am 1 comment

Although this occured almost a year ago and due to poor Interent connections at the time, I am just posting this from my journal. Today’s date is 11-7-09.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008: Day 3 in Almaty and Day 70 in Kazakhstan

After breakfast and Kairat’s morning nap, I decided to do a little exploring of our immediate area. We headed in the direction of the TSUM but walked on the street which our hotel is located. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular and thought we could stop and explore the TSUM area a bit more on our way back to the hotel. After about five blocks or so I was ready to turn around but went down a block so that we could walk back towards the TSUM.

IMG_1926As I headed to the next intersection I just happen to look to my right and saw a bustling area packed with more people than I had seen anywhere else on our outing. Curious, I headed that way and happened upon Almaty’s outdoor market. Similar to what we explored in Kostanai, this market seemed to have the same goods and was also surrounded by various babushka’s and street vendors. Unlike Kostanai, the market is much bigger (huge, in fact),  completely covered, and incredibly busy for a Tuesday afternoon. Because it is located right in the downtown business district (I think), it is also in amongst various shops and mall-like businesses. I almost didn’t notice it and had to cross the street to realize what it actually was.

Kairat and I didn’t spend a lot of time there because it was too crowded and I wanted to get back to the hotel so that he could have lunch and take a much-needed second nap. The poor kid has been such a good sleeper but now that I’m also in the same room as he, his napping behavior has not been good. He still continues to sleep throughout the night but the late afternoons are exhausting for both he and I. didn’t think my child was a fussy eater as he usually inhales the meals that I feed him. However, these meals have been prepared by his “ma-ma” and are not pre-packaged. Living in a hotel makes it difficult to do any home cookin’ so jars of store-bought baby food have had to suffice. Kairat will eat the cereal and fruit mixes, the jarred fruit, and the turkey, rice, and carrot puree but no other flavors. Yes, I’ve tried mixing small portions of new flavors in with the ones that he prefers but he has keen senses and his response has been to wrinkle his nose, stick out his tongue, and exclaim, “Blah!” It is actually kind of funny until you realize that it is you that will be eating that pasta, ham, and tomato combination for your dinner.

I mistakenly purchased two fish dishes along with the ones that I thought he might like. Not being sure whether he should have fish at nine months or not I figured I would eat them so they wouldn’t go to waste. No way! These mixtures were disgusting. I’m glad I didn’t’ even attempt to feed Kairat such selections.

My evening was a bit frustrating as I needed to get some information from those-in-the-know but couldn’t call out from my room phone, couldn’t ask for help because Kairat was sleeping and I didn’t want to leave him, couldn’t call on my cell phone because the card had run out (I didn’t know until this morning that I can still receive calls once this happens but can not make them), couldn’t get on my email because of connection problems, and then once getting on couldn’t get in touch with the people I needed to speak to. Basically, I was cut off and only needed a call from “the outside” to let me know what was going on. Finally, I got through and got the information I needed but only after a couple very stressful hours.

ERGO Baby Carrier - Black w/ GreenNow that I am also in-the-know I can now go to bed. My legs are tired from carrying around a 9 month old for a few hours today (Ergos are great for working out) and I’m tired because Kairat is tired. I almost can’t type anymore so I think that is a good sign to close for this post. Although, I can’t help but feel like I’m one of my students who used to always close their stories by going to bed because they couldn’t think of any other way to end. Maybe it’s a good strategy. I think I’ll try it.

Goodnight and Das Zaftra…Until Tomorrow!

Entry filed under: Kazakhstan Adoption.

Acclimating to Almaty Almaty Summarized

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