A Long Overdue Update

Looking back over my Blog I’m amazed to find that I haven’t posted anything since the 30th of January. The past three months have been full of gatherings, appointments, child-care hunting, home renovations, attempts at dog relocation, being a mom, and everyday life. Despite always seeming to have something to do, a strong sense “cabin fever” has dominated and claustrophobia has set in.

41644Perhaps it because snow came early while we were still in Kazakhstan or the mere fact that I don’t get out quite as much with a little one to bundle up and nap times to consider that has made this winter seem so long. The constant noise from the construction (that finally ceased about three weeks ago) and not being able to leave our anxiety stricken dog during the day certainly hasn’t helped either.  I actually think a combination of above with the fact that I was in Kazakhstan for almost three months (half of it alone) is to blame. Although I was free to explore on foot and interacted with friends there, the experience was a bit isolating and incredibly boring at times.  Whatever the cause, I, like most people in Maine, am anxious for consistently warmer weather and am dying to get outside more!

We’ve had glimpses of spring ranging from a couple beautiful days in the fifties to snow melting downpours. The overall weather has been downright dreary for days and after poor weather forecasting last weekend left an expectant state without the one sunny day it was hoping for, all are looking forward to parting clouds this Sunday morning. I want to go outside and play!

K and MimiKairat turned one year old on February 5th and took his first real steps two days later. It is so funny to watch him practically run with his Frankenstein-like gait. Carrying toys from room to room and chair to chair seem to entertain him much longer than I could ever imagine. He loves to rock his collections in the adult rocking chair in his bedroom and then will cross the room to rock himself in his miniature version.

44576Mud (of course) is quite the fascination and we’ve already spent some time playing in it. The local consignment shop was a great place to pick up extra “play clothes” as being outside, at least at this point in the season, means being covered with mud upon our return to the indoors. Prior to the mucky season, Kairat LOVED being pulled in his sled through the snow. The faster, the better, which was good exercise for Mama. Riding in his baby backpack has also shown to be a tolerable outdoors activity although I’m sure K would much rather be running around on his own clumsy little legs.

I’m amazed at K’s verbal skills. At a recent doctor check-up he was declared to be performing on an 18-month level with his animal sounds. Large felines are obsessions right now and K prefers all creatures to have a roar like a tiger or lion, even when he knows that isn’t the sound it makes. I have to admit, he’s got a pretty good imitation but it just doesn’t sound right coming from a duck. Actually, anything he isn’t sure of (as far as sounds go) becomes a tiger. “Roar!”

Kairat identifies numerous body parts, clothing, home items such as doors, windows, etc. upon request along with characters, food, and other things found in books and his alphabet placemats. I’m starting to move from object recognition to number and letter identification. K points to the objects he wants to know repeatedly and I just give him the unknown information over and over again.  He really enjoys it so I’m happy to help.

44236Hours are spent reading books in his bedroom, on the couch, and especially while sitting on the potty. We’ve continued the toilet training started in the baby house, often to the shock of family and friends. Most people don’t expect a 1 year old to be ready to sit on a potty but, frankly, I can’t get the kid off sometime. He’ll sit and we’ll read book, after book, after book until I finally decide it is definitely time to move on to other activities.

Of course, we spend plenty of time listening and dancing to music (oldies, classic rock, classical, jazz) and singing and acting out the typical “kiddy” songs. It is really amazing how all children have such a natural love of music and dance. They’re like little sponges and I already love how much fun it is to help my little sponge soak up everything he is interested in.

44524Aside from his walking, Kairat really seems to be very coordinated fourteen-month old. He is doing very well eating with utensils and is drinking from a regular cup rather than a “sippy” cup. Along with dining coordination, though, also comes dining messiness and playfulness. The messiness is fine with me and all part of the learning process but when that little bugger takes a piece of food, looks at me out of the corner of his eye, and then throws it across the table we then work on some simple mealtime manners while I try not to crack-up laughing.

If this child doesn’t grow up to be a soccer player, I’ll be surprised. Before he could even balance on his own, he would hold our hands in order to walk around the house and kick his balls of various sizes. Now that he is walking on his own, he’s continued this practice with surprising success. He is also obsessed with trying to bounce a ball. I’m not talking about a bounce in a pass to someone else. He’s been doing that for months. No, we’re talking about bouncing as if he were bouncing a basketball. Once his aim for that second bounce becomes more accurate, we are going to have a bouncing fool on our hands.

For anyone reading this Blog post, you can probably tell that I’m a bit biased and in love with my incredible son. It is so amazing how your child becomes a perfect little being in your mind, incomparable to all others.  Then again HE IS the most talented, charming, handsome, intelligent fourteen-month old ever.  Well…. at least I think so. (-:

April 5, 2009 at 5:53 pm 5 comments

Day 73 in the United States

43935Monday, January 26, 2008 was significant in our adoption adventure in that it marked Kairat’s 73rd day in the United States and our days at home now equaled my stay in Kazakhstan. Upon reflection, the passage of time since our departure in September to our current standingimg_1211 seems completely surreal. Countless pictures (actually, about 1,000 or so) help to keep our Kostanai experience fresh in our minds and to remind us that, yes, we were there and we did adopt our son in this wonderful little city.

40540I’ve been mentally strolling the streets and markets where so much40747 time was spent walking and interacting with locals. The smells, sounds, and smiling faces of the baby house staff and children are also still with us…especially the children. If there had been any way possible, we definitely would have adopted another while there.

39031[October picture of K at the baby house.] Despite the fact that we traveled and lived in Kazakhstan and that we’ve been a family for not even three months, the reality that seems most bizarre from the entire experience is that K is actually adopted.  I don’t mean, “adopted,” in that we actually made home with him. I mean, “adopted,” in that he seems like he has been with us forever, that he is our natural child. This feeling isn’t something that took long to develop, either. Before he even left the Delphin Baby House, my motherly instincts had already kicked-in. But now, now that we are home, it seems like this is where we have always been and that the three of us were meant to be together.

Today is an incredibly quiet day in our home. With a sizable snowstorm already falling, our builders have taken the day off and there is no construction going on for the first weekday since our return in November. In celebration, I’ve turned off the typical background noises I utilize in attempting to drown out the nail guns, air compressors, saws, and other various decibel-breaking devices that go along with building. No TV, radio, or music today. Just silence.

43644Next week will be K’s 1st birthday and he has already outgrown some of his size twelve-month clothes. With his growth rate and chubby little cheeks, you wouldn’t think that I would be worried about his eating habits. However, for a week or so, K seemed very difficult to please at the table so I started reading Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense, jumped right to the toddler section, and began implementing some of the strategies and advice mentioned. Mealtime has once again become pleasant. I highly recommend this book and plan on reading it in its entirety. There are great suggestions for not only feeding but parenting, as well. (Kairat’s third tooth is beginning to appear; a top central incisor to join is lower.)

Kairat is such a funny and sweet little boy. We are truly blessed. He continues to charm and intrigue those that he meets and passes in the grocery store and on outings. He loves visiting with his grandparents (both sets) and squeals with excitement whenever he sees them. Our wonderful neighbors are quickly becoming his third set of grandparents, which was proven by a very successful babysitting session yesterday. When I returned home, Kairat merely smiled at me and went right on playing with his new friends.

43537Walking seems to be a focus of our little one. He loves to stand and receive applause and, “Hoorays!” from anyone within view. K still isn’t quite up to the hand and knee crawl on a consistent basis but will try it out once in awhile. He definitely seems intent on pulling himself up to a standing position and seeing where he can go from there.

Verbally, Kairat attempts to repeat words and sounds that he hears and although his vocabulary may seem to not vary to others, I can tell the difference between his “ball”, “bottle”, “puppy”, and other words he constantly attempts. When reading a vocabulary book the other day he quickly repeated the word “banana” with a “manana”. Really!

I know I’ve said it before, but Kairat is a wonderful, easy going, sweet baby and we love him dearly. Each day is a new and exciting adventure for us all!

January 30, 2009 at 4:07 pm 5 comments

Winter Update

43757Like most of the northeast and many other parts of the United States, Maine has been experiencing a bit of a cold spell. I woke up Friday morning to the thermometer fluctuating between minus thirteen and fourteen degrees. My suspicion is that it was a tad colder because Doug’s car thermometer, which tends to be pretty accurate, reported an additional deficit of 5 degrees upon his return home the previous evening. Either way, it’s not as cold as the thirty-two degrees below zero reported in Fort Kent, Maine. Now THAT’s cold!

42977Despite the chill, we’ve been making our best of the winter438121 weather. Kairat, Kineo (our dog) and I get in at least one walk in a day. With our snow refreshed just a week ago Sunday, the sleds have also become a popular mode of transportation. I’ve included a picture of Kairat in his welcome home gift from Grandma and Grandpa and one of him in Papa’s homemade sled, both of which cruise quite well over Maine’s blankets of white.

Winter is a fun season and no excuse to stay indoors. Of course we need to temper our outdoor explorations when temperatures fall too low but fresh air in every season is important for parents and children a like. I’m already looking forward to next winter when Kairat is walking and I can slap a pair of skis on his little feet and begin to teach him the wonderful sports of downhill and cross country skiing.

43678The snow today will be a fun excuse to get out and play tomorrow. There’s nothing like the fun of freshly fallen snow.

January 18, 2009 at 8:31 pm 1 comment

What to Use on Baby

This is just a quick post to link readers to the Skin Deep Cosmetic Data Base. Kairat has a little rash around his mouth from teething and pacifier use and I’ve been looking for something non-toxic to help the irritation. This can be a tough order to fill, even if you are using “organic” products.

The Skin Deep site rates products according to their toxicity and potential medical dangers. I’ve already a link but they now have a page just for baby products at http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/special/parentsguide/. I highly recommend checking out your baby products before applying anything to their skin.

January 16, 2009 at 1:53 pm Leave a comment

Wow! It’s January 7th!

43585Snow and sleet is the weather here in Freeport, Maine this morning but it was still warm enough outside for a morning walk with our dog, Kineo. Ahhh…my poor little boy was so tired that he slept in his carriage on our stroll and didn’t even wake up when I stripped him of his snowsuit and put him into bed. Believe me, that NEVER happens! His curious little eyes always become alert as soon as he is jarred from any sleeping43589 position. Kairat has been a busy little boy and missed his afternoon nap yesterday and, although he went to bed early last night, today will serve as a “catch-up” day for sleep. [Susan, I had to post these pictures for you as they are a total contrast to your sunny Florida images starring Leeza. Believe it or not, there IS a child under that protective covering.]

43491Blogging hasn’t been high on my priority list as of late. Basically, I just haven’t had the interest, time, or energy. With the holiday season coming to a close and as I’ve begun to reflect on the past month and a half that Kairat and I have been home, I’ve realized that our lives have been a whirlwind of activity centered around visits from family and friends, holiday gatherings, last minute shopping, and the big day, Christmas. Oh, did I also forget to mention feeling a need to catch-up on what I missed while away for 2 1/2 months, that we’re having an addition and barn being built along side our living quarters, and that we are new parents who are discovering all of the joys and complications of that position? Life has been moving at high speed and we’ve been doing a pretty good job keeping up. That is until the week of Christmas. [Here is a picture of K in his new snowsuit from Mimi and Bampi.]

A number of people have kindly stated that, “Oh, your Christmas must have been wonderful this year with your new little one.” To be honest, it was pretty darn stressful. Of course, having Kairat did make this holiday even more of a blessing. He was our true gift! However, juggling the newness of parenthood with trying to keep our usual pace that occurs this time of year proved to be a little much for me.

43135It wasn’t until mid-December that I realized Christmas was only two weeks away and I hadn’t purchased a gift, let alone even thought of putting up a Christmas tree and decorations. To make matters a little more tense, as Doug and I were frantically trying to finish up last minute shopping and prepare for family celebrations, Doug came down with a very nasty case of the flu that laid him flat out from the eve of December 23rd to December 26th. The poor guy missed all of Christmas. [Yes, we did manage to make room for a very small tree this year.]

While Doug made trips from the couch to the bathroom, Kairat and I had Christmas Eve dinner with Doug’s parents and then spent Christmas Day in Mexico, Maine with my family. By the morning of the 26th, Doug was feeling a little better and we celebrated our holiday followed by a Christmas at his parent’s in Yarmouth. So, yes, while our Christmas this year was full of blessings it was also a bit of a struggle handling it alone for a few days and a bit lonely not having my husband nearby to share all of Kairat’s Christmas celebrations.

Admittedly, I felt a little worn down and discouraged over the holiday but once I began to think about all we have achieved since the beginning of September and how well we have acclimated ourselves to home life, baby schedules, and even having some personal time, I began to feel much better. Sometimes I think that I expect too much of myself (and maybe others around me) too soon.

43043With that said, it was wonderful to see all of my siblings at home together for the first time in more years than I can remember. Now43029 that we are all married (Tom and Steph were the last in St. Croix, November 2007) it seemed even more special that we could all be together, which made me miss Doug even more on Christmas day. We did hold up his Christmas stocking in his honor during the family picture. [I love this picture of my brother Joel “chasing” Kairat through my parent’s house.]

Although it was only family, we still had a house full with Kairat finally meeting all of his aunts and uncles, having time to play with his cousin Connor, and engulfing himself in wrapping paper instead of gifts. 43125My dad, known as Bampi to his grandchildren, proudly donned his Kazakh hat along with his newest grandson. It was a wonderful gathering and even more wonderful to be with my entire immediate family (minus Doug) all under one roof. Below are pictures of my siblings and I (I’m in red on the right) and siblings and our growing families. (My brother Joel and his wife are expecting in April.)

43083 43093

So here it is, January 7th, and I’m just getting back into Blog mode. I’ve missed writing and am going to try to give myself a little more time during the week to skip housework and enjoy the things I love. Other pastimes that need some attention are exercise and knitting, both of which I’m craving! I’m sure the exercise will come today with snow removal (shoveling is such a good workout) but I’m looking forward to more yoga and visits to the gym. And those mittens that I was going to learn to knit in Kazakhstan? Well, I plan on getting those started tonight!

January 7, 2009 at 3:58 pm 3 comments

Happy Holidays

42806I have three or four posts that I’ve started but some how haven’t had the chance to complete so I’m writing a very, very quick post. Please forgive my lack of editing on this one. [Here’s a little apres bath photo.]

The holiday season is a busy and this year is no exception. It is a fun kind of busy, though. Attending holiday festivities, baking scrumptious delicacies, searching for that special gift for a certain someone, and spending time with friends and family are a sample of the activities that I love this time of year. Of course, having a little one makes everything even more special and meaningful.

Kairat continues to amaze us every day with how much he understands and how many new skills that are developing. His favorite game is putting objects in containers and taking them out, dropping things, pushing his ball or stacking cups out in front of him and chasing them, walking around the house while holding on to our hands (he can stand alone for a quick second or two),  and trying to feed himself with a spoon.

42768The other day he climbed off the couch to a standing position and was found sitting up in his crib when I went to get him yesterday morning, proving that he is becoming much more mobile and stable in his movements and positions. “No” and “nyet”  are words that he definitely understands (and even listens to) along with many other comments and commands. Of course I could go on and on as these little achievements are what impress us parents who carefully watch their children grow from day to day. [Here Kairat is trying SO hard to reach the dog who is just out of his reach. Good dog!]

Christmas is close at hand and I’m sure Kairat will be more fascinated with wrapping paper and ribbons than any gifts. Whichever it may be, it will be a joy to experience this day of thanks with our little one who is already enriching our lives more than we can imagine


December 20, 2008 at 1:37 pm 1 comment

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

42599O.K., I’ve been lazy about writing on the blog and, perhaps, experiencing a little Blog burnout. I could use being a new mom as an excuse but that wouldn’t be honest. Sure, things are busier and my downtime is limited but I’ve been spending my free time playing on Facebook and doing…well…nothing.

One thing that has been keeping us a little busy is wonderful visits from friends from all over Maine and even California. (O.K., the California friends were in Boston but they did drive all the way to Freeport to meet Kairat.) This picture is of a recent Saturday spent with Tougy (so beautiful) and her parents before they headed to the Polar Express in Portland. We love seeing friends!!! It has been great to reconnect with so many people!

However, it is time to be more motivated and productive when I’m not with my kiddo. New knitting projects, Blog posts, Christmas cookies and decorations, and exercise!

Speaking of exercise, Kairat and I had our first visit to the local YMCA this week where they will watch your child in a daycare room for up to two hours while you work out in the gym. I’ve been anxious to get back to a regular exercise routine but even more anxious to have Kairat exposed to more children. (Every time he sees a picture of a small child he kisses them with his big, open mouthed baby kiss.) He did have one afternoon of playing with his cousin, Connor, but he is definitely craving more child attention. We have friends with young kids but it is a hectic time of year to plan play times.

We did a little pre-visit to the gym last week to get a feel for the day care facilities but, of course, it wasn’t remembered by K. I tried to quickly drop him off on Wednesday and leave while he was distracted so that he wouldn’t be upset.

The staff know where the parents are in the facility so they can retrieve you if needed. Wanting to get Kairat home before 10 a.m. for his morning nap, I worked out for about 45 minutes and headed back to the daycare. I found him in a rocking chair with one of the caretakers, looking very sleepy. Along with his enjoyment of music and the murals on the ceiling tiles, it was also reported that he cried for about 10 minutes when I left, which was not bad for a first timer according to the staff.

I’m looking forward to making the YMCA a regular part of our routine. I know we’ll both benefit from these visits!

December 12, 2008 at 3:21 am 1 comment

Happy Thanksgiving

42406What can I say except that we are incredibly thankful that we are home with our wonderful son and are starting our lives as a family of three (five counting the dog and cat). Of course, there are kinks to be worked out, but there will always be “kinks” as life is not a constant. We’re up for the challenge and are amazed that we’ve been blessed with such an exceptional child. [Here’s a picture of him at the dinner table in his new outfit from Bunny and Phil. Thanks!]

Kairat has begun to sleep through the night and happily takes a good morning nap. Afternoons are still a struggle but we’re getting there. He’s suddenly taken a dislike to food that he’s happily consumed for the past week but that could be caused by a number of things: teething, need for a menu change, appetite finally balancing out, taste buds kicking in, etc. We’ll try some different combinations tomorrow but if you’ve seen him in person (and even in pictures) it is quite evident that he is far from starving. In fact, I’m amazed at his increase in girth just since we’ve been home. Our little boy loves his meal time and DO NOT get in the way when he sees his bottle.

Daily life is starting to become, well, daily life. We went out to lunch one day, did a little42434 shopping with Papa on another, and even had our first experience with a baby sitter (my in-laws) while I ran to the doctor’s for an x-ray of my finger. Kairat is feeling much more comfortable being with others. [Isn’t it funny how kids love playing in and with containers/boxes. I know I did!]

We also took a short field trip to the Casco Bay YMCA on Monday to check out the Prime Time Care program/area. Children may attend their daycare for up to two hours while parents exercise. Kairat seemed very excited to be in a room with other children and I’m anxious for him to have a chance to interact with youngsters. We’ll be trying this out next week and we will also be going to swim lessons once a week starting in January.

42390Family and friends are still meeting Kairat for the first time and each day brings new faces that he will come to know and love as time goes on. Doug and I feel unbelievably lucky that we have so many caring people in our lives and are, once again, feeling thankful for all of our blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

November 28, 2008 at 2:07 am 3 comments

I Think We’re Settling In

Sunday, November 22, 2008: Day 8 at Home

41969I can’t believe that we’ve been back in Maine for eight days. Time has definitely flown by as Kairat and I have worked to acclimate ourselves to this time zone. He is finally sleeping throughout the night, going to bed around 8 p.m. and waking up between 5 and 6 a.m.  I’d prefer that he sleep a little later but I can deal with the early morning, as I’m an early riser anyway. Selfishly, I would welcome a little later wakening so that I could have some alone time in the morning. Oh well, it will come. Before I know it, he’ll be a teenager and I won’t be able to get him out of bed!

Kairat tends to take a nap around 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. and then another from around 2:30 p.m. until 4 p.m.  For the first few days I forced him to wake up in the afternoon resulting in a grouchy little boy until bedtime, but later in the week things seem to go better and evenings were much more pleasant.

Thursday and Friday were the first two days that I actually felt slightly functional. On Thursday we headed out to do a little grocery shopping, visit a toy store, and to pick up one more warm sleeper. On Friday, I had a doctor’s appointment in South Portland, which is about 30 minutes away from the house, for a possible fractured knuckle on my right hand. Kairat was a little testy for the first part of the ride as he is not too excited about having to be in a baby seat, but he soon settled in and took a fifteen-minute nap. I really don’t want him to sleep during the day however there was really nothing I could do.

After the doctor’s appointment we headed to my school (King Middle in Portland, ME) for what I thought was going to be a quick visit. It was great having a chance to see everyone one at school; both staff and students. I nearly cried as I turned into the parking lot. Returning to show off our child just seemed to be surreal after everything we’ve been through and I couldn’t help but get a little emotional.

My last year students, who are now 8th graders, were finding me no matter where I was in the building. I love those kids and really miss them along with the teachers and staff members, all who have been such an incredible support throughout this entire experience. Kairat loved the attention and, right up until he started to get very tired, he would let students and teachers hold and play with him. Although I didn’t get to see everyone (it was during the school day) we had a great visit. Two and a half hours and a whiney baby later, we left for home.

42275Adjusting to parenthood is probably a challenge for anyone and I think our experience is compounded by the fact that we have an additional living space and a barn being built along side our house right now. Frequent readers know that this was started just after we left for Kazakhstan. At that time it was predicted that most of the work would be done by this point in time so that construction noises wouldn’t be a factor upon our return. However, as in all building projects, they are a little behind schedule. Kairat is great at sleeping through noises but sometimes the loud banging is just too much for him and his naps are cut short. This can make things tough for everyone when the poor little guy can’t get enough rest while still trying to recover from jet-lag.

Along with Kairat’s sleep interruptions, Doug has had to spend mornings and basically most of his free time dealing with extraneous issues that go along with adding to a home. He’s also doing whatever he can to be a great dad and care for his son (and wife). We’re out straight right now but know that we’ll get caught up soon. (I’m still trying to finish my unpacking from Kazakhstan and attempting to find and organize things we had to store away because of construction before we left.)

42337We had many visitors in our first week of being home but still have so many more people that we are looking forward to seeing. The grandparents are becoming known to their new grandson very quickly. Our first few days home were consumed by Kairat 423591wanting Mommy but he is now welcoming attention from Papa and others anxious to see him. I love this! Doug’s parents even came over on Thursday just to baby-sit while I ran around doing laundry and other housework that has been pushed aside. As long as I wasn’t in the room for too long, Kairat was happy to be entertained by his Grandma and Grandpa. This is a great sign! [What? You want to feed the baby? Please, be my guest.]

42343Basically, things are going to take time as we find our routine but after just a week it is already getting easier. Some quick things that I’ve noticed [other than the fact that he’s found his tongue] :

  • Kairat loves “Cheerios” type cereal (we get the organic kind) and can feed himself well. We play “get the cheerio out of the truck” game.
  • He is sleeping throughout the night, even though he is an early riser.
  • My having more to do around the house makes it harder to keep track of his signs that are saying, “Potty time!” I’ve GOT to pay attention to this!
  • Kairat LOVES his books and the baby art cards a friend sent us!
  • When looking at pictures in a book or magazine, he points to small objects and faces with his index finger. He even is making a “Meow” noise when we see the cats in Goodnight Moon.
  • Kairat is waving “Bye-bye”, claps his hands when we say, “Hooray!” knows and understands both “No” and “Nyet” and is, well, a genius.
  • He’s still not crawling but is dragging himself across the floor with amazing speed and has recently begun pulling himself up on the side of the tub without help. (He loves his bath and wants one every time he goes into the bathroom to potty.)
  • Finding time to cook, clean, and shower are still a challenge. (Don’t worry; I’m taking a shower every day.)
  • Kineo, our dog, is doing great with Kairat. He’s keeping his distance and we are being very cautious and are on both of them when they are in a room together

I’m looking forward to making more frequent but shorter posts in the upcoming weeks. Time is still passing very quickly and I’m amazed that Thanksgiving is this week. With all that has been going on, I am incredibly thankful for all of my blessings. We’re home, I have a wonderful husband, our family and friends are amazing, and life is good. Doug, Kairat, and I have truly been blessed.
423631_Wishing all a wonderful holiday and countless blessings in your lives.

November 24, 2008 at 2:31 am 7 comments

The Trip and Home

Monday, November 17th, 2008: Day 3 at Home

Thanks so much for the well wishes from all. The support from family and friends and those who have “popped-in” with comments on the Blog have kept me going over this entire process. I can’t express my gratitude enough! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

It is now 4:25 a.m. and Kairat and I, along with Kineo our dog, are enjoying some quality early morning time together. Jet lag has turned its ugly eye upon the both of us. My excellent sleeper is now having problems resting throughout the night and is completely comatose during his daytime naps. Think about it; it is now 5:30 p.m. in his little body’s time clock and instead of an early breakfast, he is gearing up for dinner. I can’t say that I blame him. His 2 a.m. waking coincide directly with my thoughts of, “I wish I could just fall back asleep.” This morning he was WIDE AWAKE at 3 a.m. and everything I tried was not going to convince his internal clock that he should be going back to bed. I’m sure it will take a week or so to work this out so for now, I’ll just be tired.

The week in Almaty and the trip home is really what disrupted his wonderful sleeping pattern established back in Kostanai. During our hotel stay afternoon naps were interrupted by sporadic appointments so evening hours were unbearable, but he did still sleep throughout the night. The trip was what really messed up any pattern familiarity.

41796Kairat was woken at 1 a.m. on November 14th, Almaty time, in order to get to the airport for our flight. [Our hotel on the left.] We and another family with the same itinerary were promptly picked up from the hotel at 1:15 a.m. After checking our bags through, we headed to the Lufthansa waiting terminal where we visited with our new friends who would be returning for their court date sometime in December. While there Kairat took a very short nap while being held in the Ergo carrier.

Our flight left promptly at 4:20 a.m. and, overall, went well. Because I decided to purchase a lap-seat I41915 had made reservations for the bulkhead area where they able to attach a baby bassinette to the wall in front of the seat. The flight was not full so we had two full adult seats with an attached baby bed. Very nice! We were also one step away from the lavatory, which came in very handy with a child. I have to check and see what type of plane we had because the seats and the leg areas were very roomy. It actually was a very comfortable flight. Kairat had no problems with take-off or landings and slept in the bassinette for the first three or so hours from Almaty to Frankfurt.

41925While not sleeping, he was sure to charm the stewardesses as well as a gentleman sitting across the isle with his stares, smiles, and chatting. Not realizing it until near the end of the flight, we were seated in the same row as another woman and her newly adopted son. They were traveling home to Paris and, although we had interacted and talked a little during the flight, it wasn’t until almost the end that it was discovered we were both new moms. 41935

Having a toddler as a traveling companion is certainly much more challenging than a 9 month old who is easily entertained with objects such as a paper cup, plastic spoon, and anyone walking by to use the bathroom. The other new mom certainly had her hands full with a fussy little guy who wanted to move around every waking moment.

Once in Frankfurt, we found the couple we started our journey with earlier and spent our morning? afternoon? sitting at the McDonald’s Café taking turns walking around the airport while the others watched carry on luggage intermixed with learning more about each other and our adoption processes. They were also wonderful baby assistants as they held and played with my little guy when I needed to take a short break. It was a long but pleasant six-hour layover. Once again, Kairat had only a short nap in the Ergo as there was just too much going on in the airport terminal for his curious mind to rest.

The last leg of our journey was a little more difficult. A crowded 747 with less legroom (even with a bulkhead seat) and more crying children proved to be exhausting for everyone. The hour-long delay on the tarmac didn’t help, either. Because he was so overtired, Kairat screamed for the first 5 or 10 minutes just before take-off. Rocking him the best I could, he finally fell asleep and I plopped him in his little bassinette where he stayed for the next five hours. Yes, he slept through most of the entire flight.

The company of a very nice gentleman who happened to work for Hasbro helped the passing of my time. We spent the trip talking about our families, children, traveling, and the ins and outs of daily life. He was great company and very helpful and patient with Kairat. I’m sure he is a wonderful dad, himself.

Our trip was very long but bearable. However, if I hadn’t had the bulkhead with the bassinette seat I may have lost my mind. I’m not one to sit for extended periods of time so any flight is difficult for me. To spend so many hours in an airplane on my butt is torture enough. With an almost 19 lb kid on my lap the entire time would have been unbearable. If I couldn’t have reserved the bulkhead seat I definitely would have purchased and additional ticket for my child.

Here’s the breakdown:
4.5 hours- Checking out of the hotel, going to the airport, and catching our flight.
7.5 hours- Flight from Almaty to Frankfurt.
6 hours- Layover in Frankfurt airport.
1 hour- Hanging out on the runway in Frankfurt.
7 hours- Flight to Boston
2 hours- Drive from Boston to Freeport
29 hours= Total Traveling Time to Get Home

41939Customs and registering Kairat at the Passport Control in Boston419371 went quickly and we were soon out the gate and in the arms of Pa-pa. Ahh…what a feeling. I missed Doug so much I can’t describe it. Seeing him was just, well, wonderful.

Both Kairat and I slept most of the way home, arriving in Freeport around 7 p.m. Maine time. Our bed never felt so comfortable and Kairat settled into his new crib quickly, until around 2 a.m.

Jet lag is tough but it must be even tougher on a 9 month old. I’ve been waking up at around 2 a.m. every night unable to fall back to sleep and so has Kairat. Although he is ready for bed at his typical time of around 7:30 p.m., his internal time clock keeps waking him up in the early morning hours. Yesterday during the day all he wanted to do was sleep and today he woke up at 3 a.m. all chipper and cheery-eyed and refused to take a nap until almost 12:30 p.m. I’ve been trying to wake him and follow his typical schedule even though he may not be ready to get up from a nap, but it just hasn’t kicked in yet.

41946I think this week has been the toughest week with our little one so far. He is tired and out of sorts and Ma-ma is his main focus. Along with the mixed up sleeping patterns he has a bit of separation anxiety when I am out of sight. Right now I’m the only one that can seem to soothe him. That is to be expected and he is warming back up to Doug already, but it has been a tough few days. That is why I haven’t posted anything…just too darned tired and busy. [Kairat hanging out in his little toy box.]

We’ve also had company our first two full days home. It has been wonderful to see everyone but we are looking forward to a few quiet days this week to get back on track with our sleeping patterns and to have Pa-pa become as much as a focus as mom.

Being home is the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever imagined. Kazakhstan was wonderful but I was definitely ready to leave. The comforts that we all take for granted are so welcoming; English speaking people every where you go, drinking water from the tap, a large washing machine, brewed coffee in the morning (around 3 a.m. the past two days), sitting on a couch that doesn’t slope downhill, family and friends, and being back with my husband. I could go on and on. Being away for 73 days really took its toll and I’m so excited to be back.

I can’t wait to get out and about in a few days and show off our little charmer. Unfortunately, I’m going to need a little more recovery time than I expected but we should be knocking on doors and catching up with friends very soon!

At this point, I’m going to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity to nap while Kairat is taking his. I have some other posts I wrote while in Almaty that still need to added to the Blog as well as more on our acclimation to home.

I’d love to hear any advice other adopting parents may have on how they got their little ones back into their sleep patterns after such an extreme change in time zones. I’ve tried soothing him by patting his bottom in his crib (a typical sleep-inducing rhythm he likes), a bottle for at least one of his wake-ups, letting him cry, rocking, waking him up during the day to set a pattern, etc. Is there something I’m forgetting or, maybe, it is just going to take some time.

Thanks for any information you’d like to share.

November 17, 2008 at 5:05 pm 7 comments

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